Rhianne Evelyn-Ross

Off to London

It’s been a challenging year for all of us. Like so many, our business has faced uncertainty and has had to adjust just so it can survive.

In such crazy times “good news” is always welcome.

After a series of challenges Rhianne Evelyn-Ross turned 2020 on its head by gaining entry to the Master of Arts (Acting for Screen) at The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama in London.

Not only did she impress with her audition, she has also relocated and commenced her course.

If you’re in London and you see a “bright light” it’s our Rhianne.

Good luck Rhianne. YOU ARE AWESOME.

Rhianne Evelyn-Ross

Rhianne Evelyn-Ross in “Camille”

Rhianne Evelyn-Ross in "Camille"

Matthew Grego as “The Count” and Rhianne Evelyn-Ross as “Clemence”







“This enticing story of the famous courtesan is a delicious mix of sex, death and chocolate. Together the dramatic and comedic twists and turns of plot pose the question: Who is responsible for the destruction? The madam who exploits her, the marquis who breaks her heart, the man who demands too much of her or does Marie herself kill all hope when she makes her choice to be Marguerite the lady of the Camellias?”

Rhianne plays Clemence, a young, naive Courtesan. A colleague and friend of Marguerite. Clemence is the light-hearted comic relief in the play and is a joy to create.

Group picture the Courtesans and Madame. L-R Rhianne Evelyn-Ross as “Clemence”, Imogen French as “Prudence”, Gemma Knight as “Sophie” and Paloma Alma as “Marguerite”.








Opens at Star of the Sea Theatre, Manly 11th July 2015 and will be on Friday, Saturday nights and Sunday afternoons for 3 weeks.