How do I get represented by Townsend Management?
Please send us an email with your resumé, headshot and showreel attached. Please make sure your attachments are no larger than 2mb and send a youtube/vimeo link for your reel. If we are in a position to represent you, we will be in contact with you.

Does it cost anything to be represented by Townsend Management?
Townsend Management does not charge its clients a separate management fee. Townsend Management will earn a commission form its artists for work it successfully obtains on their behalf.

Do I need photographs?
It is expected that you have at least one (preferably more) professional looking photograph. There are many photographers that take portfolios for actors and other artists. Photographs and the costs of photography are the responsibility of the artist. Having a small number of photos demonstrating your various character types will be highly beneficial.

Do I need to join online directories like Showcast and AT2?
There is no rule that states an artist must subscribe to any service or website however these days most casting is done through Showcast, Casting Networks and AT2 or a combination of all. If the artist is listed on these directories, it is easier to propose the artist for work opportunities that may arise as the bulk of work opportunities are advertised through these systems. Not being listed in either of these systems makes it very difficult to adequately represent you.

Can I have more than one agent to maximise my chances of getting work?
No. If you have an agent then it would be considered unethical for another agent to represent you also. There are exceptions. It is not uncommon for an artist to have different agent(s) representation for different disciplines. Example – A Comedian may have one agent looking after his/her acting interests and another agent looking after his/her comedy appearances or voice over work. The boundaries of each agent need to be clearly defined.

Can Townsend Management guarantee work?
Unfortunately no, we can’t guarantee work, but we will put you forward for all the jobs we feel you are suitable for.